SRSS / INVERCOAL works with the highest environmental standards, with the highest respect for workers and community, and with the highest safety standards.
Our engineering group is composed of 40 members, geologists, mining operations, quality control, environmental and mining planner. many with over 25 years of experience in open pit and underground mining. Also, we have a great human talent group in areas ranging from commercial and logistics administration, legal and accounting among other areas. SRSS / INVERCOAL develops its projects in Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca.
SRSS / INVERCOAL develops its projects in Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca. We run two open pit mines (Rio Blanco and Popayan) which currently produce 45.000mt per month of coking coal and 30.000mt per month of semi anthracite.
In 2023 we start an investment project to increase our production and the expectative is increase the coking coal production to 100,000 MT/Month in 1- 2 years.